Saturday, September 20, 2008

Is the recession good for environment

I started to collect anecdotal evidence to see if consumption patterns were being significantly effected due to the significant economic downturn. My neighbourhood grocery story tells me that his sales have been down 40% or so from just a few months ago. His other friends running small shops (sports goods shop in this case) have seen dramatic drop in sales. It just seems customers are instinctively tightening their belts, reducing consumption to absolute necessities. 

The stinginess is going upstream with retailers ordering smaller quantities from the wholesalers and wholesalers from the producers. At a consumer level, we definitely are looking to reduce wastage especially with food and perishables. Some of this is resulting in getting back to good old ways of watching your grocery consumptions carefully, which seems to have become extinct here for a long time.  So a good part of the reduction in consumption is surely cutting into wastage which i would wish to believe is a good thing.  It seems to me from this perspective recession may be good for the environment.


Anonymous said...

A nice thought! are humans good for recession? Please read from the quoted article: Punjab approximates desert state Rajasthan in forest cover by G.S.Bhalla and Ms.Hema Khanna published on Saturday, 17 February 2007 at
"he forest cover in Punjab is less than the desert state of Rajasthan that has 4.62 per cent of its total area under forests. In Punjab it is 3.14 per cent of the total area. The forest cover in Punjab is now the lowest in the country.

As per the latest report of the Forest Survey of India (FSI), the dense forest cover in Punjab has decreased by whopping 80,600 hectares. The vested interests cleverly concealed the figures that reveal the real picture of the state of the forests in Punjab......'

The present day leaders in our country are just not bothered about issues related to environment, which have far reaching consequences; they don't realize that governance of a state or country would be so difficult if remedial steps are not taken immediately.
How can we all help? further discussion is welcome

Shakuni said...


This piece of information is definitely surprising and counter to what the general perception. thanks for sharing this.
