Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Ishaan's bipartisanship

For days now Ishaan, my 4 year old son, has been insisting on sending one of his crayon-drawn masterpieces to Barack Obama. Just after he finished putting one of these into the envelope with the White House address, he asked me if I remembered John Mccain - Barack Obama's old friend. I said "Yes, sure". He said he wanted to send one to John Mccain as well as he hadn't received any of his cards yet. So now I have 2 fat envelopes for BO and JM with their addresses ready to be sent to DC.

It was the purest act of bipartisanship I have witnessed, till date. This is the change we can believe in !!

1 comment:

Ink Slinger said...

how funnily cute!
